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HTTP mixins

The HTTP mixins in django-brackets are meant to control the handling of HTTP beyond what Django already does in dispatch.


The AllVerbsMixin allows you to create a view that responds with a single method, regardless of the HTTP verb (GET, PUT, etc) used in the request.

from brackets.mixins import AllVerbsMixin

class YouGetGET(AllVerbsMixin, TemplateView):
    def all(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return HttpResponse("Coming Soon")

All requests for this view will receive the text "Coming Soon".


The HeaderMixin aims to make it easier to control arbitrary headers in a view's responses. You can provide the headers statically as the headers attribute or programmatically via get_headers.

from brackets.mixins import HeaderMixin

class SpecialHeaderMessage(HeaderMixin, TemplateView):
    headers = {"X-WITH-LOVE": True}


Controlling the caching of a response can be a complicated task. This mixin removes a lot of that complexity and makes cache control very customizable.

from brackets.mixins import CacheControlMixin

class AgesLikeWine(CacheControlMixin, TemplateView):
    cache_control_max_age = 1_000_000_000

You can set the following attributes to control cache for your view:

  • cache_control_public
  • cache_control_private
  • cache_control_no_cache
  • cache_control_no_store
  • cache_control_no_transform
  • cache_control_must_revalidate
  • cache_control_proxy_revalidate
  • cache_control_max_age
  • cache_control_s_maxage

You can read more about caching and what these options relate to here, in the Django documentation.


Similar to the CacheControlMixin, the NeverCacheMixin marks a view as being uncacheable. This is particularly useful on one-time-use pages.

```py from brackets.mixins import NeverCacheMixin

class GingerbreadMan(NeverCacheMixin, TemplateView): ...