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Redirection Mixins

The mixins in this group are all related to redirecting HTTP requests.


This mixin provides a redirect method that can be used to redirect the request to another URL. You can provide the URL via the redirect_url attribute or by overriding the get_redirect_url method.

from brackets.mixins import RedirectMixin

class SeeYaLaterSucker(RedirectMixin, TemplateView):
    redirect_url = "youre/outta/here.html"


This mixin is effectively the RedirectMixin with some preset behaviors. By default, it redirects to the login URL provided by Django, but you can override this with either the login_url attribute or the get_login_url method.

from brackets.mixins import RedirectToLoginMixin

class GetANameBadge(RedirectToLoginMixin, View):
    login_url = "/login"