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Query Mixins

All of the mixins in here relate to controlling the queries that your views make. Use these views to reduce the number of queries being ran.


Adds select_related clauses to your query.

from brackets.mixins import SelectRelatedMixin

class SuperDetailView(SelectRelatedMixin, DetailView):
    select_related = "profile"

You can select multiple fields by providing a list (e.g. select_related = ["profile", "pet_set"]).


Much like the SelectRelatedMixin, the PrefetchRelatedMixin will add prefetch_related clauses into your query.

from brackets.mixins import PrefetchRelatedMixin

class SuperListView(PrefetchRelatedMixin, ListView):
    prefetch_related = ["user", "account"]

You can provide a single field as a string.


The OrderableListMixin injects directives to order your queryset via your URL. An example might be a URL like, which would order a page full of widgets by their manufacturer in descending order.

class SortYourselfOut(OrderableListMixin, ListView):
    orderable_fields = ["manufacturer", "make", "model"]
    orderable_field_default = "make"
    orderable_direction_default = "asc"